Duirún - Bradhnan ar Duirú
Thursday, August 25, 2011
BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon] - Radio
Titlu: Radio (Extended Lounge Mix)
Tekstu y musiku: BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon]
Lingu d'kantu: Duirún (visiter gaisamta.blogspot.com)
Eulingu: eurolanguage.blogspot.com
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu
a dheàm tó radio ay bhúlaidh
ó'gu h-úlif' le mbadh
a dheàm tó radio ay bhúlaidh
ó'gu h-úledh' dórh do moth
I listen to the radio today
with my friends in the house
I listen to the radio today
to the old and new songs
© 2011 Amiki d'(Eu)lingu
BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon] - Abheal (Light)
Titlu: Abheal (Light)
Tekstu y musiku: BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon]
Lingu d'kantu: Duirún (visiter gaisamta.blogspot.com)
Eulingu: eurolanguage.blogspot.com
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu
th'igró hii le bhchain thairg
ó'gu g-tbreanii sblúc le g-yeàd
nilaim firr eàgor caicg nilaim tiogh do coin ar fleàr
tuiòsc thú meàú tuiòsc thú meàú
ó'gu h-adluin mhór ar tbuim
tais les ca'ab tais le ca'ab
ó'gu phailún raim d'aniin
a foelcg t'abheal...
We lie together in (the) green grass
with (a) smile on our face(s)
(the) strong body (of the man) touches gently (the) beautiful and warm body of (the) woman
now we come now we come
with (a) passionate cry of love
kiss me kiss me
with (your) wild and pointing lips
I see the light...
© 2011 Amiki d'(Eu)lingu
Friday, August 12, 2011
Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu - Dufh (Dance)
Titlu: Dufh (Dance)
Lingu: Duirún (visiter gaisamta.blogspot.com)
Eulingu: eurolanguage.blogspot.com
Tekstu y musiku: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu
a teàn dufh ó'gu misheàm
a teàn dufh ó'gu fleàr
a teàn dufh ó'gu fútcg
a teàn dufh ó'gu soedhcu
a teàn dufh ó'gu scbhú
a teàn dufh ó'gu chynniach
Estun esperer tu "feedback"! Por favor, poster un komentu in estu postu d'blog y/o in Twitter, in Facebook y/o skriber un e-postu a eurolanguage@gmail.com!
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, August 04, 2011
Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu - Tuiòsc (Now)
cgeàl bó h-id
scgeàr mo g-cruin
cgeàl bó h-id
vór le h-uiòl
dúdh mo bhryon
cgeàl le g-yeàd
gleàm ar cgún
lheàgh ar feàl
Musiku: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Titlu: Tuiòsc (Now)
Produkzonu: Micki Marbh
Lingu: Duirún (gaisamta.blogspot.com)
Eulingu: eurolanguage.blogspot.com
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Friday, July 22, 2011
Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu - Cynn Raidh
Musiku: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & Vokalu
Micki Marbh: "Bass" y "Programming"
Estu un kantu in lingu d'art Duirún, visiter estu blog (gaisamta.blogspot.com) por mori informazoni.
ay bhúlaidh
a teàn duas
ó'gu chynniach raidh
ó'gu chynniach raidh
o le gsaichagh
o le gsaichagh
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
cii brú
tvuiòtb cluó...
Un translazonu d'kantu in Anglus:
I speak
with black birds
with black birds
in the distance
in the distance
white clouds are roaming
white clouds are roaming
roaming away
roaming back
so beautiful
it ends...
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Orkestru D'Vitu Y Mortu - Cynn Raidh (Black Bird)
Musiku: Orkestru d'Vitu y Mortu
Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & Vokalu
Micki Marbh: "Bass" y "Programming"
ay bhúlaidh
a teàn duas
ó'gu chynniach raidh
ó'gu chynniach raidh
o le gsaichagh
o le gsaichagh
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
cii brú
tvuiòtb cluó
Estu un kantu in lingu d'art Duirún, mori informazoni in estu blog. U translazonu d'kantu in Anglus:
I speak
with black birds
with black birds
in the distance
in the distance
white clouds are roaming
white clouds are roaming
roaming away
roaming back
so beautiful
it ends
© 2011 Amiki d'Eulingu
Friday, February 27, 2009
♫ Cynn raidh - Est cantir Arne nu songu Cynn raidh
Est cantir Arne Duering un songu in lingu duirún con nomu "cynn raidh" (black bird). Dar Duirún un lingu d'artu qv'est developirdt y creirdt in anu 1982 in urbu Regensburg/Alemanu.
Ni vordi d'songu:
ay bhúlaidh
a teàn duas
ó'gu chynniach raidh
ó'gu chynniach raidh
o le gsaichagh
o le gsaichagh
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh ni gleatbniach nchó
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
i teàn cuarfh asn
i teàn cuarfh elv
cii brú
tvuiòtb cluó
Por mori informazoni sur Eulingu y Jurnalu d'Europu (JE) contaktir: eurolanguage@gmail.com, con-vil-ud!
© 2009 Nu redakzonu d'magazinu Jurnalu d'Europu (JE) y d'TV Lingu y Skolu d'Eulingu
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Jurnal d’Europúq – Un Jurnal por Un Europú
Dar na Jurnal d’Europúq (JE) na jurnal unast en Europún por totali populi d’Europúq. Est residar na redakzon d’jurnaloq i Dublin/Erú. Sont parlar ni artikali d’jurnaloq on Europú et historú d'Europúq, landi europúz, folqi europúz, separati folklori et culturi europúz, populi europúz et themi europúz. Dar JE un jurnal d’monsoq et vil publizar na redakzon t'edizon unast i mons Yanur 2007.
dar - "there is, are" but also (in this case) "is/are" as there is no other verb involved
Na jurnal - The journal, periodical
d’Europúq - of Europe (gen.)
un - a, an, one
unast - first
en - in (language)
por - for
total - all
popul - people
Na populazon - The population
est residar - (is) resides(-ing) (sgl.)
Na reda(k)zon - the editorial department/office/staff, rédaction, redacción
Dublin/Erú (Irú) - Dublin/Éire (Ireland)
sont parlar...on - (are) talk(ing) about (pl.)
N'artikal - The article
et - and
Na historú - The history
Na land - The country, land
Na folq - The folk
separat - separate
Na folklor - The folklore
Na cultur - The culture
Na them - The theme
Na mons - The month
vil publizar - will publish
t'edizon - The edition (akk.)
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)
Por mori informazoni on JE or Europún email: europun@gmail.com or eurolanguage@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!
dar - "there is, are" but also (in this case) "is/are" as there is no other verb involved
Na jurnal - The journal, periodical
d’Europúq - of Europe (gen.)
un - a, an, one
unast - first
en - in (language)
por - for
total - all
popul - people
Na populazon - The population
est residar - (is) resides(-ing) (sgl.)
Na reda(k)zon - the editorial department/office/staff, rédaction, redacción
Dublin/Erú (Irú) - Dublin/Éire (Ireland)
sont parlar...on - (are) talk(ing) about (pl.)
N'artikal - The article
et - and
Na historú - The history
Na land - The country, land
Na folq - The folk
separat - separate
Na folklor - The folklore
Na cultur - The culture
Na them - The theme
Na mons - The month
vil publizar - will publish
t'edizon - The edition (akk.)
mor - more
Na informazon - The information
email - email
or - or
con-vil-ut! - please! (with-will-yours)
Por mori informazoni on JE or Europún email: europun@gmail.com or eurolanguage@gmail.com, con-vil-ut!
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Og cgheàstai Filroan og lymis ar n’Yncgy Cheànnebhagh ghir cybh tcgogh Aiglymys. Cygh og seamde maghr. Filroan na nu misheàm ull cgheà nu bhynn maghr. Cgheàstai cygh lym ag nygh ghir na cgheàstaiglúbh arfh Misthar cgheà nirúgh ghir draigh ar Lheàstaghr. Toemai ná tiogh maghr. Railleas cygh dufh ag dheàm ar lylt. No cgheàstai Filroan no ghoem bhea ag n’Ynighoem ghir cluichan.
© Scail Duirúq 1987
© Scail Duirúq 1987
Na misheàm Filroan ar n’Yncgy Cheànnebhagh
Na cgogh ná muil arfh glan. Toemai byllun nu blheàr tiogh ag cgibhy maghr beasar.
© Scail Duirúq 1987
© Scail Duirúq 1987
Pús ogh les qa’un do qa’im!
N’aval osanoq teàn sqaircg is bhaimis cgeà teàn bód tó sblúcodht ogh les qa’ab: "Go bhód elv tó Cgeàstaidhti dórh do brú cgeà tó Sqvúdhti yyl aora do nchó!"
Na Bur ar Soedhcuq tog h-uar tó Sblúcodht ar Tiicodhiq. Ar Buriq Uar teàn sqaircg laq g-Sódqú airdh. Ayn Ur teàn buar le Mborran cgeà e vór le fairtb elv mo Ghós ar Uith.
Mhú Midhal cgeà mhú Ayn Loniq bó h-Or Duirú. A bód les qa’un ir g-Cluichan. Pús ogh les qa’un do qa’im!
© Scail Duirúq 2006
Na Bur ar Soedhcuq tog h-uar tó Sblúcodht ar Tiicodhiq. Ar Buriq Uar teàn sqaircg laq g-Sódqú airdh. Ayn Ur teàn buar le Mborran cgeà e vór le fairtb elv mo Ghós ar Uith.
Mhú Midhal cgeà mhú Ayn Loniq bó h-Or Duirú. A bód les qa’un ir g-Cluichan. Pús ogh les qa’un do qa’im!
© Scail Duirúq 2006
Tbhee do Loniq
Tbhee: „Go foelcg, Loniq! Yii Ayn Lod ó’gu Ghaisam qa’ab Bór.”
Loniq: “Tvuiòtb! Hoq-bó z ig meàú?”
Tbhee: „Z ig meàú bó Uifhynaglocg og-cgeàstai cgeà Ayn Lod taon fairtb ghir Idluimnagh ná-cgeàstai.”
Loniq: „Idluimnagh? Ó’gón Ghaisam qa’un Bór? A fais le narp! Heàt ból Ayn Lod le Idluimnagh ó’gón Ghaisam qa’un Bór?“
Tbhee: “E taon niidó le t-dhio t’Aynodht do tó Nomanodht, Filroan do Anluira, bó h-Or Muillaigh.”
Loniq: “Cgeà Gaisam qa’un Bór?”
Tbhee tbrii: “E vór le ghuiòm le mbhú le g-Cluichan.“
Z i fairtb asn cgeà ni Gleatbnim teàn cuarfh thosór le h-Id.
© Scail Duirúq 2005
Loniq: “Tvuiòtb! Hoq-bó z ig meàú?”
Tbhee: „Z ig meàú bó Uifhynaglocg og-cgeàstai cgeà Ayn Lod taon fairtb ghir Idluimnagh ná-cgeàstai.”
Loniq: „Idluimnagh? Ó’gón Ghaisam qa’un Bór? A fais le narp! Heàt ból Ayn Lod le Idluimnagh ó’gón Ghaisam qa’un Bór?“
Tbhee: “E taon niidó le t-dhio t’Aynodht do tó Nomanodht, Filroan do Anluira, bó h-Or Muillaigh.”
Loniq: “Cgeà Gaisam qa’un Bór?”
Tbhee tbrii: “E vór le ghuiòm le mbhú le g-Cluichan.“
Z i fairtb asn cgeà ni Gleatbnim teàn cuarfh thosór le h-Id.
© Scail Duirúq 2005
Europún - The Europian Unilang
After many attempts to create an Europian Unilang Europún seems so far to offer the best approach towards an united European language as it puts into account best practises and learnings from various European languages. Por mori informazoni email eurolanguage@gmail.com or europun@gmail.com, con-vil-ca'ut!
Duirún was created in 1985 to escape reality and to develop a new way of communication which is not based on/influenced by tradition, history and other languages. No other languages inspired Duirún! Duirún is only spoken by members of the Gaisamta’r Maitbún Duirúq & Obanta’r Maitbún Duirúq and "monitored" by the Scail Duirúq.
„Der Schwarm“ by Frank Schätzing
Na Inuit tog meàú bó h-Iqaluit le Nunavut. Ni Quallunaat tig cuarfh asn ir q-gyuimi Montreal do Vancouver. Na Duirún tog meàú bó h-Idluimnagh le Dhuirú. Ni Duirúni tig cuarfh elv ir q-gyuimi Uifhynaglocg do Dóqbar.
Nybh gaisam cran airdh
Na cran oerú
Nybh gaisam cran airdh
Nobh duicglan bhan cgheà thairg
Agbhaidh maghr
Na tuiasor eàgor caicg
Na creòi arfh na lyll
N’abheàl ar gryan scaircg arfh
Arfh na suiòtim nybh acgúr
Nygh guiòm arfh n’acgaidh ar truilheàn
Buisún beal nobh timbea
Cgheà or ná mútcg
Faige nobh bheg
Dheàm na bhole
Na fhairtagh ar cynn
Cgheà ar na saichagh
Na gluicg uin lylt
Na fhaicúr thru nybh moraigh
Bchuicgc brynlagh cgheà bchain
Nu bhlagh lym ag nybh
Arfh na theàdroeg ar bhagh-lheà-gai
© Scail Duirúq 1987
Nybh gaisam cran airdh
Nobh duicglan bhan cgheà thairg
Agbhaidh maghr
Na tuiasor eàgor caicg
Na creòi arfh na lyll
N’abheàl ar gryan scaircg arfh
Arfh na suiòtim nybh acgúr
Nygh guiòm arfh n’acgaidh ar truilheàn
Buisún beal nobh timbea
Cgheà or ná mútcg
Faige nobh bheg
Dheàm na bhole
Na fhairtagh ar cynn
Cgheà ar na saichagh
Na gluicg uin lylt
Na fhaicúr thru nybh moraigh
Bchuicgc brynlagh cgheà bchain
Nu bhlagh lym ag nybh
Arfh na theàdroeg ar bhagh-lheà-gai
© Scail Duirúq 1987
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Dechbetten - Dakbadhan

Dakbadhan. Großprüfening-Dechbetten-Königswiesen ist der Stadtbezirk 14 von Regensburg. Der Stadtbezirk liegt im Westen der Stadt südlich des Westenviertel und westlich von Kumpfmühl - Ziegetsdorf - Neuprüll.
Königswiesen besteht aus der Hochhaussiedlung Köniswiesen-Nord (im Volksmund auch Manhattan genannt), die in den 70er Jahren auf einem Hügel errichtet wurde und Königswiesen-Süd, einer Wohnsiedlung der 80er Jahren die auch Reihen- und Einfamilienhäuser aufweist. Unterhalb von Königswiesen-Nord befindet sich der Königswiesener Park sowie ein Gewerbegebiet. Am 1. April 1938 werden Großprüfening, Dechbetten und Königswiesen in die Stadt Regensburg eingemeindet.
Großprüfening hat noch deutlich dörflichen Charakter. Die Entstehung des Reihendorfes ist eng mit dem Kloster Prüfening verbunden. Der Ortsname Prüfening ist wahrscheinlich romanischen Ursprungs (vom lat. Personenamen Probinus, der sich von lat. probus = gerecht ableitet). Die Gegend wurde wie Funde bezeugen schon in der Jungsteinzeit, sowie der Hallstattzeit und in den Keltenzeit besiedelt. Aus der römischen Zeit sind Funde eines Kastells und eines Lagerdorfes bezeugt. Fundgegestnäde können im Römerpark am Kornweg besichtigt werden. 1189 wird erstmals eine Fährverbindung über die Donau bei Großprüfening erwähnt, die aber wahrscheinlich schon seit dem frühen Mittelalter bestand. Über die Verbindung lief auch der Fernhandel nach Nürnberg. Durch die Verlegung der Fernverkehrsstraße nach Nürnberg ans nördliche Donauufer verlor der Ort an Bedeutung. 1873 bekommt Großprüfening einen Eisenbahnanschluß. Kunsthistorisch ist die St.-Anna-Kirche mit drei spätgotischen Flügelaltären bedeutsam.
Mehr unter: Dechbetten auf Wikipedia und gaisamta@gmail.com
Na Gós ar Uith do na Or Duirú

If you like more please contact gaisamta@gmail.com
Monday, May 08, 2006
Iorpún - An attempt to create an European Unilang
Duvlin. Visit iorpun.blogspot.com to help create an European Unilang which will reflect and benefit all existing European langauges. Iorpún is the language created by the people of europe for the people of europe based on the differnet languages of europe. the aim of iorpún is to unite and to improve communication and understanding between the beautiful parts of our beloved europe. if you like to contribute to this project please contact iorpun@gmail.com. many thanx!
For more information please contact iorpun@gmail.com
For more information please contact iorpun@gmail.com
Monday, January 16, 2006
Mo Ghúr
N’Automobil teàn driv asn mo ghúr bó Bherlin cgeà n’Automobil cgóst teàn driv arfh mha Mbunich. A bód les qa’un ir g-cluichan. N’aval osanoq teàn sqaircg is bhaimis cgeà teàn bód tó sblúcodht ogh les qa’ab. Na bur ar soedhciq nchó tog h-uar tó sblúcodht ar tiicodhiq. N’Auto teàn driv asn mo ghúr bó Bherlin cgeà n’Auto cgóst teàn driv arfh mha Mbunich. A bód les qa’un ir g-cluichan. N’aval osanoq teàn sqaircg is bhaimis cgeà teàn bód tó sblúcodht ogh les qa’ab. Na bur ar soedhciq nchó tog h-uar tó sblúcodht ar tiicodhiq.
Na Dufh ar Paradúqi

Mhú Midhal cgeà mhú Ayn Loniq bó h-Or Duirú.
„A tbuim les qa’un, Loniq. Udhó a vór le qhuarfh asn bó g-cluichan le narp“, tog dhuas Tbhee ir Loniq.
Tbhee: „Go foelcg, Loniq! Yii Ayn Lod ó’gu h-oban qa’ab Ùisa.”
Loniq: “Tvuiòtb! Hoq-bó z ig meàú?”
Tbhee: „Z ig meàú bó Uifhynaglocg og-cgeàstai cgeà Ayn Lod taon fairtb ir Idluimnagh ná-cgeàstai.”
Loniq: „Idluimnagh? Ó’gón h-oban qa’un Ùisa? A fais le narp! Heàt ból Ayn Lod le Idluimnagh ó’gón h-oban qa’un Ùisa?“
Tbhee: “E taon niidó le t-dhio le g-silruin qa'as t’Aynodht do tó Nomanodht, Filroan do Anluira, bó h-Or Muillaigh.”
Loniq: “Cgeà oban qa’un Ùisa?”
Tbhee tbrii: “I vór le ghuiòm le mbhú le g-cluichan qa'il.“
Z i fairtb asn cgeà ni gleatbnim nchó i'n cuarfh thosór le h-id.
Sunday, December 11, 2005
Tbhee do Ceàsha
Friday, April 29, 2005
Dak und Siola

Duirún ist eine Kunstsprache, eine Sprache der Philosophie und Dichtung, eine Sprache der Reinheit und Freiheit, der Liebe und Erfüllung, eine Sprache des Mutes und der Unabhängigkeit. Duirún hat eine Entstehungsgeschichte, einen Grund, einen Ursprung, einen Stamm und eine Wurzel. Duirún ist eine geheime Sprache und offenbart sich nur demjenigen, der ihre Schönheit erkennt.
Duirún findet ihren Anfang in den Vorsprachen Dak und Siola, der Name leitet sich vom schiolanischen Wort „duiran“ ab, welches „Hügel“ bedeutet. Siola, die Flammen- und Feuerschrift, entwickelte sich aus dem Dak, welches die Sprache von Dakbadhan ist. Dakbadhan ist die sprachliche Umwandlung des deutschen „Dechbetten“, ein Stadtteil im Südwesten von Regensburg.
Friday, January 28, 2005
Monday, January 17, 2005
No language without philosophy
Keine Sprache ohne Philosophie
Kunst ist die Fortführung des Alltäglichen, gepaart mit dem Versuch, nicht in die Perfektion abzugleiten.
Duirún ist eine kunstvolle Sprache.
"Die Suche nach der vollkommenen Sprache" von Umberto Eco ist ein Buch, welches mich inspiriert. Es wird sicherlich bei der Entwicklung der europäischen Unilang "Eurún" eine wichtige und unterstützende Rolle spielen.
Mehr Information zur Europian Unilang "Eurún" findet man unter http://eurolanguage.blogspot.com. Fragen, Tipps und Anregungen zu Eurún können an eurolanguage@web.de gesendet werden. Besten Dank dafür!
Kunst ist die Fortführung des Alltäglichen, gepaart mit dem Versuch, nicht in die Perfektion abzugleiten.
Duirún ist eine kunstvolle Sprache.
"Die Suche nach der vollkommenen Sprache" von Umberto Eco ist ein Buch, welches mich inspiriert. Es wird sicherlich bei der Entwicklung der europäischen Unilang "Eurún" eine wichtige und unterstützende Rolle spielen.
Mehr Information zur Europian Unilang "Eurún" findet man unter http://eurolanguage.blogspot.com. Fragen, Tipps und Anregungen zu Eurún können an eurolanguage@web.de gesendet werden. Besten Dank dafür!
Monday, December 06, 2004
Qairdhyl qa’un og felab asn
Qairdhyl qa’un og felab asn
As ig lymid is qhonn ar abheal
A guiòm le mbhú
As fairtbun lea duanfhadht duarm
Iniam qa’un
Quarfh fao le h-ódbeà nchó
A dúdh aoch fólgar, món,
Cgeà teàn uar le g-saichagh
Quiòhú le h-id
Quarfh ó’gu qhynniach feàl
Ùeàyh le lyllyn muil
Sleàúc tó acgylodht snú
Uiòbhú na gólchea’r speànúq
Dufh an qhoin ar liimóq
Thrú qairdhyl qa’ab
Tharó meà fairtb elv mo Ghós ar Uith
As ig lymid is qhonn ar abheal
A guiòm le mbhú
As fairtbun lea duanfhadht duarm
Iniam qa’un
Quarfh fao le h-ódbeà nchó
A dúdh aoch fólgar, món,
Cgeà teàn uar le g-saichagh
Quiòhú le h-id
Quarfh ó’gu qhynniach feàl
Ùeàyh le lyllyn muil
Sleàúc tó acgylodht snú
Uiòbhú na gólchea’r speànúq
Dufh an qhoin ar liimóq
Thrú qairdhyl qa’ab
Tharó meà fairtb elv mo Ghós ar Uith
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
Artificial language
Duirún was created in 1985 to escape reality and to develop a new way of communication which is not based on and influenced by tradition, history and other languages. No other languages inspired Duirún! As Duirún is classified as a "stealth language", it is only spoken by members of the Gaisamta’r Maitbún Duirúq and controlled by the Scail Duirúq.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Friday, October 01, 2004
Duith arabim aoch harrac
Og bvúlaidh duith arabim i'n dúdh aoch harrac do i'n uar le hiscúrú fao ar siúrd yuvoq Alla. Tvuiòtb Alla na Uithyl ar Uithoq David.
“Nisúvair, Alla”, tog adhnan arab dórhast Mohammad, “haic-ir taon fairtb?”
“A vór le p-fairtb ir mvadh ar dórhmisheàmoq Lod bó gÙas, Mohammad.”
“Nisúvair, Alla”, tog adhnan arab dórhast Mohammad, “haic-ir taon fairtb?”
“A vór le p-fairtb ir mvadh ar dórhmisheàmoq Lod bó gÙas, Mohammad.”
Misheàm do fleàri cgó le bhatbn ar cgún
Ay ruiam i teàn slaidh hiigh Bór do cgó fleàri cgó Tbhee do Tyó mo g-cruiniach le bhatbn ar cgún.
Bór: "Ho taon le h-eàgor caicg tó nilaimodht firr ar misheàmoq agaidh Filroan Ulhad Bruicgeaght, Tbhee?"
Tbhee: "Gón!"
Bór: "Cgeà Tyó, ho taon le?"
Tyó: "Gón, gón, Bór, taonagh le h-eàgor caicg nhut nilaimodht."
Bór: "Hi taon le mbeàlh t'úlechodht ogh les ca'ab, ó'gu h-úrs ca'am?"
Tyó do Tbhee i teàn meàlh hiigh: "Acgyl le h-iniam, iniam mo p-fólgar, fólgar teàn tais tó uistodht...
Acgyl le h-iniam, iniam mo h-asbha, asbha teàn tais tó gleàmodht...
Duirúúú... Duirúúú!"
Bór do fleàri cgó i teàn tbrii do fairtb ir g-cluichan.
Bór: "Ho taon le h-eàgor caicg tó nilaimodht firr ar misheàmoq agaidh Filroan Ulhad Bruicgeaght, Tbhee?"
Tbhee: "Gón!"
Bór: "Cgeà Tyó, ho taon le?"
Tyó: "Gón, gón, Bór, taonagh le h-eàgor caicg nhut nilaimodht."
Bór: "Hi taon le mbeàlh t'úlechodht ogh les ca'ab, ó'gu h-úrs ca'am?"
Tyó do Tbhee i teàn meàlh hiigh: "Acgyl le h-iniam, iniam mo p-fólgar, fólgar teàn tais tó uistodht...
Acgyl le h-iniam, iniam mo h-asbha, asbha teàn tais tó gleàmodht...
Duirúúú... Duirúúú!"
Bór do fleàri cgó i teàn tbrii do fairtb ir g-cluichan.
Gólchea ar sfheàni

D'aig ni ruiam múrh cgeà ic ódbeà snú do nchó tì aig oelic ail nea Gós ar Uith. Nea Lyll aigìs saima raidh cgeà toegh arfh nea saichóll aig bhearfa n'abheal múrh ar liimó. Dú aig scaircg nea cgeàl airdh cgeà dú aig fairtb duarm ogh tharó. Teabh moraigh aig beàla cgeà núdhú. Nì misheàm dórh aig iainn mea cuiònor ar teabh cgaidh cgeà nea chuamyl yyl aig meàrth mó/mo nea biiclýr. Teabh silbhyl aig leabh muil arfh nea leanó. Neàmh óranc tì aig uiòbhú nea gólchea ar sfheàni...
Gleatbn cuarfh thosór

Gleatbhn cuarfh thosór
Beàla t'aig badai
blú bhoenn mhór
Tuiòsc só cluó
cgeà nea scgeàr
uiòl oen sócg córgn
cgeà tì mìgh
nea bhócg ogh bhoenn mhór
óg nea dainoec s'aig fheàdh cgeà bádh
S'aig tchuim teabh gleàm
Nea biiclaih d'aig leabh guidh
ùa nì mhór bhomheàn
Nea cuiònogr yyl ar feàl
glóbh oerú arfh nea leaais
bhoenn airdh ar Diithálch
ruiò moghair seàmdha maoc
Nea groean dúdh oerú arfh loell
Tbhó orbh cainúcg eàcár sánn
Gleatbn cuarfh thosór
Toegh só guiòm ogh bheàyh
Nea cuiònogr yyl scaircg dairtha
Sócg óclìn leabh guidh mhór
Bhaila arfh saichóll
cgeà nea Gleatbn cuarfh thosór
Beàla t'aig badai
blú bhoenn mhór
Tuiòsc só cluó
cgeà nea scgeàr
uiòl oen sócg córgn
cgeà tì mìgh
nea bhócg ogh bhoenn mhór
óg nea dainoec s'aig fheàdh cgeà bádh
S'aig tchuim teabh gleàm
Nea biiclaih d'aig leabh guidh
ùa nì mhór bhomheàn
Nea cuiònogr yyl ar feàl
glóbh oerú arfh nea leaais
bhoenn airdh ar Diithálch
ruiò moghair seàmdha maoc
Nea groean dúdh oerú arfh loell
Tbhó orbh cainúcg eàcár sánn
Gleatbn cuarfh thosór
Toegh só guiòm ogh bheàyh
Nea cuiònogr yyl scaircg dairtha
Sócg óclìn leabh guidh mhór
Bhaila arfh saichóll
cgeà nea Gleatbn cuarfh thosór

Or no bheàyh búghun
Or dheàm na cgeàl
Na conchycg ar dheran
Lill cgeà gryan
Or no bheàyh búghun
Glan ar cgún
Bryon ar Soedhc
Or dheàm na lilt
Or no bheàyh búghun
Dufh ar dheran
An orbh dhymura
Bhomheàn cgeà mayre
Or no bheàyh búghun
Roin ar gryan
Or ná teabh filnyd
Nu cynn ar loell
Or bheàyh búghun
Na conchycg ar dheran
Lill cgeà gryan
Or no bheàyh búghun
Glan ar cgún
Bryon ar Soedhc
Or dheàm na lilt
Or no bheàyh búghun
Dufh ar dheran
An orbh dhymura
Bhomheàn cgeà mayre
Or no bheàyh búghun
Roin ar gryan
Or ná teabh filnyd
Nu cynn ar loell
Or bheàyh búghun
Thursday, September 30, 2004
Artistic language
An artistic language (or artlang) is a constructed language (conlang) designed for aethestic pleasure. Unlike logical languages or auxiliary languages, artistic languages usually have irregular grammar systems, much like natural languages. Many are designed for conworlds, such as J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth and Mark Rosenfelder's Almea. Others represent fictional minority languages in a world not patently different from the real world, or have no particular fictional background attached.
There are several different schools of artlangs. The most important is the naturalist school, which seeks to imitate the complexity and historicity of natural languages. However, there are also artlangers who do not care about naturalness, but follow a more abstract style.
1 Genres of artlangs
2 Examples of artistic languages
2.1 Professional2.2 Amateur
3 See also
4 External links
Genres of artlangs
Several different genres of conlangs are classified as artlangs. An artistic language may fall into any one of these groups, depending on the aim of its use.
By far the largest group of artlangs are fictional languages. Fictional languages are intended to be the languages of a fictional world, and are often designed with the intent of giving more depth and an appearance of plausibility to the fictional worlds with which they are associated. By analogy with the word "conlang", the term conworld is used to describe these worlds, inhabited by fictional concultures. The conworld influences vocabulary (what words the language will have for flora and fauna, articles of clothing, objects of technology, religious concepts, names of places and tribes, etc.), as well as influencing other factors such as pronouns, or how their cultures view the break-off points between colors or the gender and age of family members. Professional fictional languages are used for a book, movie, television show, video game, comic, toy or musical album, such as Middle Earth, the Star Trek universe, or the game Myst. Internet-based fictional languages are hosted along with their conworlds on the Internet, and based at these sites, becoming known to the world through the visitors to these sites; Verdurian, the language of Mark Rosenfelder's Verduria on the planet of Almea, is a flagshp Internet-based fictional language. Many other fictional languages and their associated conworlds are created privately by their inventor, known only to the inventor or perhaps a few friends. The term fictional diachronic language describes fictional languages that are invented in large families and have their fictional history traced over time, with a proto-language used to derive ancestors.
Altlangs speculate on an alternate history and try to reconstruct how a family of natural languages would have evolved in things had been different (e.g. What if Greek civilization went on to thrive without a Roman Empire, leaving Greek and not Latin to develop several modern descendants?) The language that would have evolved is then traced step by step in its evolution, to reach its final form. An altlang will typically base itself on the core vocabulary of one language and the phonology of another. The best-known language of this category is Brithenig, which started off the interest among Internet conlangers in altlanging. Brithenig attempts to determine what Romance languages would have evolved into had the Romans made it to Great Britain, replacing Celtic languages, and bases its phonology on that of Welsh.
Micronational languages are the languages created for use in micronations. Having the citizens learn the language is as much a part of participating in the micronation as minting coins and stamps or participating in government. The members of these micronations meet up and speak the language they have learned when they are participating in these meets. They coin new words and grammatical constructions when needed. Talossan, from R. Ben Madison's Kingdom of Talossa, is by far the best-known example of a micronational language.
The term personal language refers to languages that are created for the ultimate purpose of creating a language. There is no conworld that a personal language is associated with, no people whom the creator actually expects to speak it, no product that will be manufactured in its language. The language exists as a work of art. A personal language may be invented for the purpose of having a beautiful language, for self-expression, as an exercise in understanding linguistic principles, or perhaps as an attempt to create a language with an extreme phonemic inventory or system of verbs. Personal languages tend to have short lifespans, and are often displayed on the Internet and discussed on message boards much like Internet-based fictional languages. They are often invented in large numbers by the people who design these languages.
The term jokelang is often used for conlangs created as jokes. These may be languages intended primarily to sound funny, such as DiLingo, or for some type of satire, often as satire on some aspect of constructed languages.
Examples of artistic languages
Artistic languages include languages of fictional worlds and peoples and for alternate histories, languages for micronations, languages created for humor and self-amusement and languages created for the pleasure of inventing a language.
The following languages were professionally published in books or multimedia.
Atlantean language, in the Disney movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Babel-17, in Babel-17 by Samuel Delany
Baronh, language of Abh in Seikai no Monsho (Crest of the Stars) and others, by Morioka Hiroyuki
Bluddian, from the game "Captain Blood" by Cryo Interactive Entertainment
Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini appears to be written in a constructed language which is presumably the language of the alien civilization the book describes
Divine Language, spoken by Leeloo in The Fifth Element
Drac, language of alien species in Barry B. Longyear's The Enemy Papers
D'ni, the language spoken by the subterranean D'ni people in the Myst series of games and novels
Furbish, the language of the Furby plush toy (Furbish at Langmaker.com (http://www.langmaker.com/furbish.htm))
Gargish language, used in the Ultima computer game series, by the gargoyle race
Glide, created by Diana Reed Slattery, used by the Death Dancers of The Maze Game
Kesh, spoken by the Kesh people in Ursula Le Guin's Always Coming Home
Klingon, in the Star Trek movie and television series, created by Mark Okrand
Kobaian, from the fictional planet created by French musician Christian Vander and the language sung by his progressive rock band Magma
Láadan, in Suzette Haden Elgin's science fiction novel Native Tongue and sequels
Languages of Middle-earth: Sindarin, Quenya, Khuzdûl, and others in the books by J. R. R. Tolkien
Lapine, in Watership Down by Richard Adams
Marain, in The Culture novels of Ian M. Banks
Nadsat slang, in A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Newspeak, in Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Pravic and Iotic, in The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin
Syldavian, in some of Hergé's Tintin stories
Utopian language, appearing in a poem by Petrus Gilles in a poem accompanying Thomas More's Utopia
Several languages spoken by Panurgue in Rabelais' Pantagruel (1532)
Arovën, also a logical language, spoken in fictional Aroël, by Joshua Shinavier
Brithenig, created by the inventor of the alternate history of Ill Bethisad, Andrew Smith
Kélen, by Sylvia Sotomayor
Talossan language, by R. Ben Madison
Teonaht, by Sally Caves
Tokana, by Matthew Pearson
Toki Pona, by Sonja Elen Kisa
Verdurian, one of several languages created for the fictional planet of Almea by Mark Rosenfelder
Wenedyk (Venedic in English), a language of the alternate history of Ill Bethisad created by Jan van Steenbergen
See also
Fictional language
Constructed language
External links
Zompist.com (http://www.zompist.com/)
A Constructed Languages Library
Conlang Profiles at Langmaker.com (http://www.langmaker.com/)
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artistic_language"
Categories: Constructed languages
For more information please visit Wikipedia (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/9219/conlib.html)
There are several different schools of artlangs. The most important is the naturalist school, which seeks to imitate the complexity and historicity of natural languages. However, there are also artlangers who do not care about naturalness, but follow a more abstract style.
1 Genres of artlangs
2 Examples of artistic languages
2.1 Professional2.2 Amateur
3 See also
4 External links
Genres of artlangs
Several different genres of conlangs are classified as artlangs. An artistic language may fall into any one of these groups, depending on the aim of its use.
By far the largest group of artlangs are fictional languages. Fictional languages are intended to be the languages of a fictional world, and are often designed with the intent of giving more depth and an appearance of plausibility to the fictional worlds with which they are associated. By analogy with the word "conlang", the term conworld is used to describe these worlds, inhabited by fictional concultures. The conworld influences vocabulary (what words the language will have for flora and fauna, articles of clothing, objects of technology, religious concepts, names of places and tribes, etc.), as well as influencing other factors such as pronouns, or how their cultures view the break-off points between colors or the gender and age of family members. Professional fictional languages are used for a book, movie, television show, video game, comic, toy or musical album, such as Middle Earth, the Star Trek universe, or the game Myst. Internet-based fictional languages are hosted along with their conworlds on the Internet, and based at these sites, becoming known to the world through the visitors to these sites; Verdurian, the language of Mark Rosenfelder's Verduria on the planet of Almea, is a flagshp Internet-based fictional language. Many other fictional languages and their associated conworlds are created privately by their inventor, known only to the inventor or perhaps a few friends. The term fictional diachronic language describes fictional languages that are invented in large families and have their fictional history traced over time, with a proto-language used to derive ancestors.
Altlangs speculate on an alternate history and try to reconstruct how a family of natural languages would have evolved in things had been different (e.g. What if Greek civilization went on to thrive without a Roman Empire, leaving Greek and not Latin to develop several modern descendants?) The language that would have evolved is then traced step by step in its evolution, to reach its final form. An altlang will typically base itself on the core vocabulary of one language and the phonology of another. The best-known language of this category is Brithenig, which started off the interest among Internet conlangers in altlanging. Brithenig attempts to determine what Romance languages would have evolved into had the Romans made it to Great Britain, replacing Celtic languages, and bases its phonology on that of Welsh.
Micronational languages are the languages created for use in micronations. Having the citizens learn the language is as much a part of participating in the micronation as minting coins and stamps or participating in government. The members of these micronations meet up and speak the language they have learned when they are participating in these meets. They coin new words and grammatical constructions when needed. Talossan, from R. Ben Madison's Kingdom of Talossa, is by far the best-known example of a micronational language.
The term personal language refers to languages that are created for the ultimate purpose of creating a language. There is no conworld that a personal language is associated with, no people whom the creator actually expects to speak it, no product that will be manufactured in its language. The language exists as a work of art. A personal language may be invented for the purpose of having a beautiful language, for self-expression, as an exercise in understanding linguistic principles, or perhaps as an attempt to create a language with an extreme phonemic inventory or system of verbs. Personal languages tend to have short lifespans, and are often displayed on the Internet and discussed on message boards much like Internet-based fictional languages. They are often invented in large numbers by the people who design these languages.
The term jokelang is often used for conlangs created as jokes. These may be languages intended primarily to sound funny, such as DiLingo, or for some type of satire, often as satire on some aspect of constructed languages.
Examples of artistic languages
Artistic languages include languages of fictional worlds and peoples and for alternate histories, languages for micronations, languages created for humor and self-amusement and languages created for the pleasure of inventing a language.
The following languages were professionally published in books or multimedia.
Atlantean language, in the Disney movie Atlantis: The Lost Empire
Babel-17, in Babel-17 by Samuel Delany
Baronh, language of Abh in Seikai no Monsho (Crest of the Stars) and others, by Morioka Hiroyuki
Bluddian, from the game "Captain Blood" by Cryo Interactive Entertainment
Codex Seraphinianus by Luigi Serafini appears to be written in a constructed language which is presumably the language of the alien civilization the book describes
Divine Language, spoken by Leeloo in The Fifth Element
Drac, language of alien species in Barry B. Longyear's The Enemy Papers
D'ni, the language spoken by the subterranean D'ni people in the Myst series of games and novels
Furbish, the language of the Furby plush toy (Furbish at Langmaker.com (http://www.langmaker.com/furbish.htm))
Gargish language, used in the Ultima computer game series, by the gargoyle race
Glide, created by Diana Reed Slattery, used by the Death Dancers of The Maze Game
Kesh, spoken by the Kesh people in Ursula Le Guin's Always Coming Home
Klingon, in the Star Trek movie and television series, created by Mark Okrand
Kobaian, from the fictional planet created by French musician Christian Vander and the language sung by his progressive rock band Magma
Láadan, in Suzette Haden Elgin's science fiction novel Native Tongue and sequels
Languages of Middle-earth: Sindarin, Quenya, Khuzdûl, and others in the books by J. R. R. Tolkien
Lapine, in Watership Down by Richard Adams
Marain, in The Culture novels of Ian M. Banks
Nadsat slang, in A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess
Newspeak, in Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell
Pravic and Iotic, in The Dispossessed by Ursula K. LeGuin
Syldavian, in some of Hergé's Tintin stories
Utopian language, appearing in a poem by Petrus Gilles in a poem accompanying Thomas More's Utopia
Several languages spoken by Panurgue in Rabelais' Pantagruel (1532)
Arovën, also a logical language, spoken in fictional Aroël, by Joshua Shinavier
Brithenig, created by the inventor of the alternate history of Ill Bethisad, Andrew Smith
Kélen, by Sylvia Sotomayor
Talossan language, by R. Ben Madison
Teonaht, by Sally Caves
Tokana, by Matthew Pearson
Toki Pona, by Sonja Elen Kisa
Verdurian, one of several languages created for the fictional planet of Almea by Mark Rosenfelder
Wenedyk (Venedic in English), a language of the alternate history of Ill Bethisad created by Jan van Steenbergen
See also
Fictional language
Constructed language
External links
Zompist.com (http://www.zompist.com/)
A Constructed Languages Library
Conlang Profiles at Langmaker.com (http://www.langmaker.com/)
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artistic_language"
Categories: Constructed languages
For more information please visit Wikipedia (http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/9219/conlib.html)
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