Thursday, August 25, 2011

BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon] - Abheal (Light)

Titlu: Abheal (Light)
Tekstu y musiku: BBLN [ba:'bi:'lon]
Lingu d'kantu: Duirún (visiter

Lod bó gÙas: Vokalu
Arne Duering: Gitari & vokalu
Micki Marbh: Gitari, programeru y produkzonu

th'igró hii le bhchain thairg
ó'gu g-tbreanii sblúc le g-yeàd
nilaim firr eàgor caicg nilaim tiogh do coin ar fleàr
tuiòsc thú meàú tuiòsc thú meàú
ó'gu h-adluin mhór ar tbuim
tais les ca'ab tais le ca'ab
ó'gu phailún raim d'aniin

a foelcg t'abheal...

We lie together in (the) green grass
with (a) smile on our face(s)
(the) strong body (of the man) touches gently (the) beautiful and warm body of (the) woman
now we come now we come
with (a) passionate cry of love
kiss me kiss me
with (your) wild and pointing lips

I see the light...

© 2011 Amiki d'(Eu)lingu

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